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High Fantasy Workbook Lite

High Fantasy Workbook Lite


  • 8.5 x 11in (21.59 x 27.94 cm) softcover workbook journal
  • Standard color interior with white paper
  • Paper weight: 50-61lb, 74-90 grams per square meter
  • Matte cover page
  • 208 pages
  • Purchase of one workbook

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Write your next novel in six months or less!
Creating a high fantasy world as an author can be daunting but rewarding. High fantasy typically involves richly developed worlds with complex magic systems, diverse races, and epic quests. To help you organize your thoughts and develop your high fantasy story, here's a workbook that you can use as a guide:


1. World-Building

  • Map Creation: Draw a map of your fantasy world, including major cities, geographical features, and key landmarks.
  • Magic System: Define the rules and limitations of magic in your world. How is magic learned or inherited? What are the different types of magic?
  • Races and Cultures: Create detailed descriptions of the various races, cultures, and societies in your world. How do they interact with each other?
  • Religions and Belief Systems: Develop the pantheon of gods or spiritual beliefs in your world. How do these beliefs shape your characters and their actions?
  • History: Outline the history of your world, including significant events, wars, and empires. How do past events impact the present?


2. Characters

  • Protagonist: Describe your main character. What are their strengths, weaknesses, and motivations?
  • Antagonist: Create a compelling villain or antagonist. What drives them to oppose the protagonist?
  • Supporting Characters: Develop a list of supporting characters, including allies, mentors, and companions.
  • Character Arcs: Plan the growth and development of your characters throughout the story.


3. Plot and Conflict

  • Quest: Define the central quest or mission of your story. What is the ultimate goal?
  • Conflict: Identify major conflicts and obstacles that your characters will face. Include external and internal conflicts.
  • Twists and Revelations: Plan key plot twists and revelations that will keep readers engaged.
  • Subplots: Create subplots that add depth and complexity to your story.


4. Magic and Lore

  • Spells and Abilities: List the spells, magical abilities, and artifacts that exist in your world.
  • Ancient Prophecies: If relevant, develop any prophecies or legends that play a role in your story.
  • Magic Creatures: Describe magical creatures or beings that inhabit your world.


5. Setting and Atmosphere

  • Descriptive Writing: Write detailed descriptions of key locations and settings in your story.
  • Atmosphere: Determine the tone and atmosphere you want to convey in different scenes.


6. Language and Dialogue

  • Languages: Create languages or dialects for different races or cultures, if applicable.
  • Dialogue: Develop distinct voices for your characters through their speech patterns and vocabulary.


7. Writing and Revision

  • Outline: Create a detailed outline of your story, chapter by chapter.
  • Writing Schedule: Set writing goals and deadlines for yourself.
  • Revision: Plan for multiple rounds of editing and revision.


8. World-Building Reference

  • Glossary: Keep a glossary of terms, names, and concepts for easy reference.
  • Appendices: Include detailed appendices with additional world-building information for readers.


Remember that high fantasy can be as intricate or as straightforward as you desire. The key is to maintain consistency within your world and engage your readers with a captivating story. This workbook should help you organize your thoughts and stay on track as you create your high fantasy masterpiece. Happy writing!


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  • Publisher

    Raven & Wolf LLC
    Los Angeles, CA 
    United States

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